Memorial monument
Origin and features of the Monument
To bring about this memorial, the Polish Air Force Memorial Committee (PAFMC) launched an international competitiion, calling widely for entries.
8 dossiers were sumitted and delivered to the Mairie at Plumetot. A Jury was formed with the following members:
- Jean-Pierre TARLET, Mayor of the commune of Plumetot
- Franck JOUY, President of the community of communes « CŒUR DE NACRE »
- Richard KORNICKI, Chairman of the Polish Air Force Memorial Committee
- Lt Col Dariusz PITA, Deputy Defence Attaché, Polish Embassy,
- M. LAPRIE-SENTENAC, Architect of Bâtiments de France
- Sqn Ldr James TENNISWOOD, observer, Royal Air Force.
The Jury selected the project submitted by Alexander Smaga, an architect of Polish origin.
Donors and Contributors
The list of Donors and Contributors of this monument is visible on the town hall of PLUMETOT to the right of the entrance.
Polish pilots in the RAF – Franciszek Kornicki as an exemple
The Polish air force which used the B10
Why a memorial to Polish pilots at Plumetot